Author Archives: Pete
Fixed speed and exit prolems in q24Read and attitudeCorrect,
Also added build number, version and build date to attitudeCorrect
RAPPLS, add start and end times
Add start and end time options on attitudeCorrect.
Also fix fault in with spaces in arguments
Fixed the speed issue reading the laser file by attitudeCorrect,
RAPPLS, csv attitude and sdc laser files
New version
Added csv attitude correction file, and sdc reader for laser files
uploaded RAPPLS software
Uploaded RAPPLS with minor tweek for fault on OS-X to see if it will fix the pick problem.
Added blog posts to index page
Added last project blog post to main page to create updating main page
setup zenphoto
Trying using zenphoto for photo lists on my Photos Page
installing Java 3D viewer for MAC-OSX
Setting up RAPPLS laser file processing for MAC
Looks like you need to get Java3D from (1.5.2 seems to be built for mac-osx),
Not sure if you need this also,
so on,
is RAPPLS.tar.gz
If you get the chance, then un-tar it into a directory and as before run something like, viewer.las
Used Memory 1,888,944
Building GUI...
Building scene graph...
Read Points
varRecordHeader LASF_Projection len 40 record id 34735
number of keys 4
GeoKeyDirectoryTag 0 id 1024 1
GeoKeyDirectoryTag 1 id 1025 1
GeoKeyDirectoryTag 2 id 3072 32755
GeoKeyDirectoryTag 3 id 3076 9001
las points to read 470981
Header LASF 1.2 offset 321 points to read 470981
Create Shape
Find Bounds and centre
Centre (-528000.0, -5252000.0, 0.0)
Count 470981
Bounds Bounding box: Lower=526298.25 5249362.0 -661.0599975585938 Upper=530041.875 5254986.5 394.0299987792969
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -528000.0
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -5252000.0
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
Add to scene
Used Memory 20,935,440
Site Seup
Site Setup
Ulaan Baatar
14 September, 64km, Finished off into a head wind and heavy rain, decided that a hotel would be nice to have a wash and keep dry for the night, although we found that the hot water was off in the city and so there was no hot water for a shower.
15 September, 64km, hoping for a tail wind, the weather has changed to blue skies and sun shine and a head wind.
16 September, 60km, Very cold start into head wind again, stopped by road to camp into almost ideal conditions though. Grass, no wind, very nice. The weather changed over night being hit by strong wind change, now its blowing the correct direction…
17 September, 115 km, into Ulaan Baatar, close enough to make it in one day with a tail wind and smooth road. Arrived Ulaan Baatar at about 4.30 pm.
Looking into coming home early, but looks like its all booked out, so what to do in Mongolia for two weeks…..
We have added some pictures from the trip to the blog.