Central Australia Trip

Update, now in Alice Springs after cycling from Wilpina Pound in SA, about 1400 km through central Australia

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2/9/2011 Cycle from Wilpina pound to Parachilna 76 km, some dirt some bitumun. I though there would be more in ParaChilna, only a Pub and Caravan park.

3/9/2011 into head wind, stopped at Beltana for 4 hours, headed off to camp by road side ~ 20 km from Leigh Creek. 51 km

4/9/2011 88 km, tail wind all day on smooth road. Leigh Creek was closed as it was a Sunday. Camped at Farina Station camp site with all the other 4WD’s. Remember not to do that again with generators etc.

5/9/2011 60 km to Marree. Arrived early ~ 11.30 pm and hung around until about night fall, then headed 2 km up the track to camp. The caravan park was full. Hear later the pub had 180 people for diner that night. Need to Make Coward springs for next water ~ 160 km away.

6/9/2011 84 km sighted lake eyre south with some water in it, looked the same without water.

7/9/0211 60km Slow day visit Mound springs and spa at Coward springs was excellent.

8/9/2011 78 km to Willim Creek

9/9/2011 95 km to Edward Creek tail wind all day

10/9/2011 85 km north creek ~ 25 km to Oodnadatta

11/9/2011 31 km into Oodnadatta. re-stock and wash shower etc.

12/9/2011 72 km, rough road to Mt Sarah station turn off

13/9/2011 70 km to 10 km part Pedirka Siding. Tim from Hamalton station sent out water and oranges in the moring

14/9/2011 to Dalhousie Springs

15/9/2011 stopped for the day at Dalhousie Springs. Dingo stole my Shoe over night, luckily someone found in in the camp groung.

16/9/2011 73 km to Mt Dare roads are now rougher.

17/9/2011 55 km sandy road now

18/9/2011 57 km, to old Andado station, about 5 km of sand around Andado station pushing. Need to make 236 km to Santa Teresa so start early and load up with 17 l of water.

19/9/2011 70 km, with 10 km of Sand pushing. Hot and long day. Some head wind also

20/9/2011 82 km, cool change over night much more plesant, need to make Santa Teresa in 3 days not 4 because of water.

21/9/2011 74 km to Santa Terese for water and stock up on food. Drank 2 l of orange juice on arrival. Also access to Internet in new library.

22/9/2011 92 km into Alice springs. Hot, and rough road.

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