2016-07-06 Depart Hobart 6:20, bike already packed at Mark B’s. The new 29er fat bike does fit into a qantas bike box.
2016-07-06 Arrive Santiago, Chile. Flight late and missed connection to Lima. Rebooked to Lima at 4:15
2016-07-07 Depart Santiago, Arrive Lima approx 7:30. Unpack bike at airport and set off into Lima traffic to find Miafolores hostel. Ride ~20 km
2016-07-08 Spent day in Miaflories, sleeping recovering from 24+ hours of travel and looking around.
2016-07-09 Set off for Punta Hermosa, through suburbs, then onto the pan American highway south. Punta Hermosa is surf beach on the coast, but not at this time of year. Weather is cloudy and almost misty at times. The coast land is devoid of vegetation, nothing grows, only a few places where this is water is there any green, other than that its brown sand. 43 km in 2:25.
2016-07-10 Further down the coast to Purta Rossina, easy to find food and accomodatiin along the highway and coastal strip. Divided highway had verge and easy riding. 67km in 3:40
2016-07-11 Ok enough of the pan American highway, into the mountains. The coast is damp and humid, and has that very nice oder of the tropics. Into the mountains to Lunahuana, only 30 km from the coast, the damp was gone, and I arrive in blue skies, sun, heading up a river into dusty mountains. The fat tyres do quite well even on pavement and are not too hard work. 84km in 5:20.
2016-07-12 Hanging out in Lunahuana, there is river rafting here earlier in the year, now there are more rafts in town than tourists. The centre of these villages are what I remember, with a plaza which is pleasant to hang out in and watch the world go by. Have not seen any western tourists yet at all. Minor adjustments to the bike and setup today, other than that the new bike is running very well, thanks Tim Stredwick.
Great pics Pete !