Warburton to Laverton

13 August Depart Warburton for Rock holes, 20km 1:12, 24l of water

14 Aug, Breakaway camp, 76km, 5:11, hard day, head wind.

15 Aug, Road Camp, ~60km of bituman. Head wind most of the day, 81km, 6:07

16 Aug Arrive Tjukalirya (Doo-ka-l-ya) 79km, 4:36 picked up fuel (Opel) for stove, ~400ml

17 Aug, quarry camp, 100km, 4:59, tail wind hot day.

18 Aug Trucks early and head wind, 69km, 6:22 longest day in saddle. 25km to Limestone bore

19 Aug, pre-cosmo camp, head wind, found water in Limestone bore, 2km on from Pines rest area, 3m down bore pipe. Saw black swan injured on road. 50km, 5:11 (<10 km/hr avg).

20 Aug, into Cosmo, picked up food (shop open at 10am), onto Giles breakaway, 52km, 3:29

Changed stove fuel bottle to Opel fuel. 1l of Satellite used since Alice Springs.

21 Aug, Laverton, at end of Outback way. 60km 3:30. easy light winds along sealed road. lunch/morning tea at quarantine stop, no fruit/vegies/honey into WA, well did not have any anyway.

Covered 1704 km since leaving Alice Springs, 3-1/2 weeks ago.

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